Dear LMACS families:
As the month of October comes to a close, we are seeing the rate of infection rise in the greater Lowell area. We want you to be assured that we, the LMACS Health and Wellness team, continue to follow all DPH guidance. Please review the Covid-19 policies and procedures for more information in the Resources section of our website.
Importantly, we have not had a positive case of Covid-19 at LMACS.
As you know, LMACS reopened with the Hybrid Model on 9/16/2020 and we went to fully remote learning model on 10/19/20.
At this time, we have 3+ weeks left to the fall term so we have decided to remain fully remote. With DPH and DESE guidance, LMACS will return for Winter Term on November 30, 2020. Please watch for further details in the next posting.
Please notify LMACS immediately if your student has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 and/or if your student tests positive for Covid-19.
As a reminder, LMACS is enforcing multiple safety measures with diligence. These include:
- daily screening for signs and symptoms of Covid-19;
- mandatory mask requirement;
- physical distancing;
- hand sanitizing/hand-washing policies.
We are committed to continuous communication with and support of our families. If you have any specific health and safety concerns, please contact Amy Hendl, School Nurse, or (978)656-3461.
To ensure both academic success and the emotional health of your child, we cannot stress enough, the importance of attendance both in-person and remotely.
Please remind your child that Academic Block at 1:00 PM is an opportunity to get additional tutoring and support with class work. Teachers are available both remotely and in-person.
Students can pick up weekly meal kits on Mondays and Tuesday at LMACS between 12:15 and 1:30.
As always, please speak with your child’s advisor if you have specific concerns.