Dear Parent/Designated Adult:
Another school year is done! Please keep an eye out for your student’s grades, as they are being sent home shortly. As we tell the students, their grades reflect the amount of effort they are willing to put into their academics. We routinely encourage students to work hard, attend their classes and to make the most of the supportive environment we try to create here at LMACS. If you have any questions please get in touch with your student’s advisor at the end of August.
This year’s graduation was a moving ceremony honoring the 25 students who had earned their high school diplomas. All of the graduates were presented with books as their advisor spoke about their journey through LMACS; it was truly an inspirational event.
We have also included next year’s school calendar with dates of parent meetings. Please plan to attend these meetings. It is a huge advantage to our students when they know that we are working together to support them. That home-to-school connection sends a clear message to students that we are all looking out for them and doing our best to get them to graduation; prepared to begin their next journey in life.
It is a privilege to work at LMACS, to know your students, and to work with the excellent staff. I have great admiration for the parents. I will be around in the school on most days during the summer, so feel free to call, email or stop by if you are in the neighborhood. I look forward to another great school year, and wish you and your student a safe and restful summer.
Sean McCarthy, Ed. D.
Executive Director