Special Education: Common Acronyms in Special Education

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

ADD Attention Deficit Disorder

AT Assistive Technology

BSEA –       Bureau of Special Education Appeals

CMR Code of Massachusetts Regulations

DOE (Massachusetts) Department of Education

ESY Extended School Year

FERPAFamily Education Rights and Privacy Act

FAPE Free Appropriate Public Education

IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Act

IDEIA Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

IEP Individualized Educational Program

LD Learning Disability

LEA Local Education Agency

LRE Least Restrictive Environment

NCLB No Child Left Behind

OCR Office of Civil Rights

OSEP Office of Special Education Programs of the United States Department of Education 

OT Occupational Therapy

PAC Parent Advisory Council

PQA MA DOE Office of Program Quality Assurance Services

PT Physical Therapy

RTI Response to Intervention

SPED Special Education

504 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973