Initial Identification and Placement of ELLs in the Program

All LMACS applicants complete the same application, which includes a Home Language Survey. When a student’s Home Language Survey responses suggest he/she may be an English Language Learner, a copy of the survey must be sent by the school intake person to the District English Language Learner Coordinator within 5 school days. Additionally, the Registrar requests student scores from the student’s sending school, and will notify the ELL Coordinator if any student has previous ELL testing scores (ACCESS, MEPA/MELA-O).

Any student identified as a potential ELL is assessed using the WIDA-APT assessment tool. A student who scores below an overall composite proficiency level of 5.0 and a composite literacy (reading/writing) proficiency level of 4.0 is considered to be an ELL and is eligible for ESL services. Only students who achieve a 5.0 composite proficiency level as well as 4.0 composite literacy (reading/writing) proficiency level are considered English proficient.

Upon identification as LEP, the student will be placed in an SEI program and provided with ELD instruction as needed according to W-APT and other assessments. This placement must occur within the first four weeks of school.

The ELL Coordinator will contact the parent/guardian:

  • To establish a working relationship with the family.
  • To inform the parent/guardian about the programs that are available for ELL.
  • To inform the parent/guardian about the school expectations, policies and procedures.
  • To assist parents in finding community resources that may facilitate cultural adjustment for the family.
  • To inform the parent or guardian of the District ELL procedures
  • To offer an opportunity to opt-out of the program.

The Registrar is notified so that:

  • the student may be reported to the state as LEP;
  • a request can be made of previous schools for ACCESS/MEPA/MELA-O scores, if they have not yet been received.

The staff is informed of the student’s status so that

  •  they may accurately place a student when scheduling;
  • they are aware of the special needs of an individual student;
  • they may accurately complete the student observation.

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