Back to School: Policies & Expectations

LMACS Policies and Expectations are founded on respect:

  1. Respect Yourself:  To be part of the school, you must be working toward your goals for achieving a successful and healthy future.
  2. Respect Others: You must treat all fellow students, LMACS staff, MCC staff, and school visitors with courtesy and respect.
  3. Respect Property: You must show care for all areas of the school, the college, and others’ personal belongings.

There is absolutely no violence or threats of violence. Any conflicts or disagreements must be addressed in a peaceful, non-violent manner. It is a violation of state law to carry a weapon on school property or to school sponsored events. M.G.L.A. 71 § 37H

Always speak with respect to others: peers, LMACS staff, MCC staff, building tenants, and visitors. No vulgar or abusive language is allowed at any time.

Maintain a drug-free school. No drugs or drug paraphernalia are allowed on school or college grounds at any time.

Students may not smoke or vape on school grounds. This includes the doorways and alcoves of the LMACS building. Students caught smoking cigarettes, electronic cigarettes or vaping in the school will be sent home, take an absence in their classes, and be responsible to make up missed work. Cigarette devices may not be plugged into any LMACS power sources. It is a violation of state law to smoke on school grounds.  Repeat offenses will result in a meeting with the parents/DA.

Students may not leave the school building during the school day without authorization. Students who leave the school building without permission will be sent home and will be responsible for making up missed work within 5 school days.  Repeat offenses will result in a meeting with the parents/DA.

Come prepared for classes:

  • Bring a 5-subject notebook with you to all classes.
  • Do not bring food into classes
  • Dress appropriately for school.

Respect LMACS, MCC, and building grounds:

  • Do not deface or graffiti any part of any building.
  • All trash must be disposed of properly.

Please review the student handbook for more information regarding school policies and procedures.